Cande's Daycare

Cande's Daycare

6243 Baker St, Oakland, CA 94608, United States
Alameda, CA
Claim Listing


"Hi! We’re Cande's daycare and we're a home daycare providing childcare to families. Our goal is to ensure children reach their developmental milestones in a loving and compassionate environment. We develop a strong base in learning by engaging in activities. We are open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, and offer care on M - F. At our daycare, we provide a culturally diverse learning environment by offering programs in Spanish. Availability is limited, so contact us today to learn more and schedule a to"


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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What should I do to get directions to Cande's Daycare?

For business Cande's Daycare, this page usually contains map and address information. If you want, you can easily get directions by using the landmarks on the map. You can also get detailed directions by contacting the business.

How can I contact the business?

You can contact the business by calling +1 341-895-6871 phone number and get detailed information here.

How can I learn about the products or services offered by Cande's Daycare?

You can get detailed information for the business from this page. However, if the details of Cande's Daycare business are missing on this page, you can get updated information by contacting the business at +1 341-895-6871 phone number.

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Thursday :7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Friday :7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Saturday :Closed
Sunday :Closed
Monday :7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Tuesday :7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Wednesday :7:30 AM–5:30 PM



Jamar M. Howell
Nashville, 2782 Green Street , United States